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  • Instagram

Our Journey

2021 - 2023

This company came to us 2 years ago to completely outsource their digital marketing. The company is BespokeCrete - Microcement Furniture & Microcement Installation specialists in Norfolk .

They were into their first year at the time we approached them. Brimming with entrepreneurial spirit and a big vision, they knew where they wanted to go.


They just didn't have a plan to get there. And just two years later, they're now THE Leader of their industry.


When we begun, we were just "putting SOMETHING out there" in hopes that it would be seen. By increasing the likelihood of being seen, the sales should roll in, right?


Well, in the same way that you should always measure twice to cut once, you should also carefully consider what marketing actually means.


Marketing is the measuring tape for which your sales are the saw. You need one to ensure that the other actually performs its job. Without the measuring tape, you're guessing where you need to make the cut.


And similarly, without GOOD marketing, you're guessing how to make sales. Putting something out there increases your brand awareness. But brand awareness doesn't pay the bills. Only sales, income and revenue do.


When we started with Bespoke, we were complete amateurs and naturally fell into the same trap. We rectified this by creating a Marketing System in which we could implement into their business. 


The first step in this system was to identify what their perfect customers have in common.


As soon as we did this for BespokeCrete, we realised that the best customers had more disposable income. They were more affluent, craved luxury and were bursting at the seams to buy. 


We built a structure for their social media content; following a simple framework and creating a caption that generates interest and a call to action that consistently leads to enquiries. We continue to monitor, track, test, tweak and improve each and every effort that we release on their behalf. 


This has since led to results such as a 13,000% ROI through one £30 Instagram Ad and has helped them to drive growth beyond online efforts (expansion in premises, staff, turnover). 


Want To See How This Premium Trades Company Is Getting A 20x Return On Their Investment Using A Platform That You're Probably Already Using? Click the button below to continue reading... 

"I would recommend them any day of the week"
- Vanessa, BespokeCrete

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